projects overview

A page highlighting various projects that I was smart enough to document online. And also other bits and bobs which don't fit anywhere else on this site. 


Bugs, loop de loop submission. January 2018.
A submission for loop de loop with the theme being bugs. Was made in Animate CC

Chicken or the Egg, loop de loop submission. March 2017.
A submission for loop de loop with the theme being egg. Was made in Animate CC

Breakfast, loop de loop submission. October 2016.

A submission for loop de loop with the theme being breakfast. Was made in Animate CC.

Illustrations for a card game. 2015 - 2016.

Was asked to imagine and create a series of images for a card game that is in the works. The theme revolved around dogs vs cats and fantasy/sci fi/pop culture. Had a ton of fun drawing each of the illustrations. Here I'll highlight a few illustrations that I especially liked. 


Animating over live action. 2014.

Was approached by a director who was working on a trailer for his short film whether I was able to animate over live footage. With a vague brief I was free to create and animate however I choose. Using a combination of Photoshop and After Effects I was able to produce the following short clip. 


And other things...